Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sexual Codes

Each country has its moral codes regarding homosexuality. In U.S.A., any man who has sex with another man is considered homosexual.

In Brazil, the story is different. Homosexual means being passive. If a straight guy has sex with a gay (and play an active role), he is not considered gay.

Sexual intercourse between gay and straight guy in Brazil is quite common. Sometimes it involves a cash payment. Gays pay to the straight guy (usually boys of twenty years, or less) to have a sexual relationship. Often it happens spontaneously (no payment). The straight guy fucks a gay man simply by lust.
In small towns, occurs predominantly sex out of money payment. In big cities, gays usually pay to have a sexual relationship with a straight guy.

Many Brazilians gays have a strong restriction about having sex with other gay men. They understand that true homosexual relationship is between a young straight guy and a gay man (usually older).

In Brazil there are many houses of prostitution, where gays can meet and have sex with straight young guys.

How are sexual codes in your country?